Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday #41- Choose Canvas Bags!

Make Today Matter...
  • Almost 7 billion paper bags and 400 billion plastic bags are used every year.
  • 90% of all grocery bags are plastic.
  • Only 5.2% of plastic bags and 21% of paper bags are recycled.
  • The average length of time a high-density plastic bag will exist on earth is 1,000 years.
  • Producing and recycling paper bags generates significantly more air and water pollution compared to plastic bags.
  • Paper is 40% of all waste.
  • The average family accumulates 60 plastic bags every 4 trips to the grocery store.
  • San Francisco, the first city in the U.S. to ban the use of plastic grocery bags, eliminates the use of 100 million plastic bags a year.
Take action today! 
  1. Buy several canvas shopping bags or use duffle bags that you already own. Most trips to the store require more than one bag.
  2. Purchase canvas bags made from recycled materials.
  3. Keep your canvas bags in the trunk of your car--trips to the store are often spontaneous.
  4. When purchasing only one or two items and if you don't have a canvas bag with you, just carry the items out of the store without a bag.
  5. If you forget your canvas bag, at least avoid double-bagging.
You matter!
You would accumulate 1,000 fewer bags this year if you simply used a reusable bag when shopping, especially grocery shopping. Paper and plastic bags are an environmental killer--they biodegrade slowly or not at all, deplete energy and natural resources, endanger wildlife, and poison our soil and waterways. 
So, from now on, when a store clerk asks "Paper or plastic?" you can proudly answer, "CANVAS!"

(Adapted from Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways to Make a Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza)

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