During this time of year, we celebrate those who enrich our lives by giving gifts. The holidays are an esspecially great opportunity for adults to ackowledge the impact young girls have on our lives each and every day!
Here are some gift ideas that not only are inexpensive, but will also nurture creativity and help build memories for 2011:
- Lessons of any kind -- piano, horseback riding, harp, voice, acting, painting, dance, tumbling, archery -- are great for getting girls active and helping them find new interests!
- Books last forever and can be enjoyed countless times! Check out our list of Great Books for Girls on this blog...
- Travel! Consider a family trip instead of individual gifts, so you can all enjoy an experience together. You won't regret it!
- A special day or night out is a great way to do something out of the ordinary. Go see a play, ballet, special sporting event, or concert, just be creative!
- Special coupons -- 20 minute back rub, no chores for one night, stay up late -- help you give your favorite girl the gift of creative thinking!
- Membership to Girls Inc. Online-- it's a FREE and safe social networking site that lets girls interact with others who have like interests, design their own avatar, take part in games and polls, and learn about successful women across the country with unique and interested careers. Just visit http://www.girlsinc-online.org/ today!
And for any Girls Inc. supporter, young or seasoned, visit the Girls Inc. Store online at www.girlsinc.org/store/ to find great gift ideas and contribute funds to help our cause nationwide!
Happy Holidays from all of us at Girls Inc. of the Northern Sacramento Valley